His Poetry:
- Poems, privately printed, Rutherford, NJ (under the name William C. Williams), 1909.
- The Tempers, Elkins Matthews,1913.
- Al Que Quiere!, Four Seas, 1917.
- Kora in Hell: Improvisations, Four Seas, 1920.
- Sour Grapes, Four Seas, 1921.
- Go Go, Monroe Wheeler, 1923.
- Spring and All, Contact Publishing, 1923.
- The Cod Head, Harvest Press, 1932.
- Collected Poems, 1921-1931, preface by Wallace Stevens, Objectivist Press, 1934.
- An Early Martyr and Other Poems, Alcestis Press, 1935.
- Adam & Eve & The City, Alcestis Press, 1936.
- The Complete Colected Poems of William Carlos Williams, 1906-1938, New Directions, 1938.
- The Broken Span, New Directions, 1941.
- The Wedge, Cummington Press (Cummington, Massachusetts), 1944.
- Paterson, New Directions, Book I, 1946, Book II, 1948, Book III, 1949, Book IV, 1951, Book V, 1958, Books I-V in
one volume, 1963.
- The Clouds, Wells College Press and Cummington Press, 1948.
- Selected Poems, introduction by Randal Jarrell, New Directions, 1949.
- The Pink Church, Golden Goose Press, 1949.
- The Collected Later Poems, New Directions, 1950.
- Collected Earlier Poems, New Directions, 1951.
- The Desert Music and Other Poems, Random House, 1954.
- Journey to Love (includes "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower"), Random House, 1955.
- The Lost Poems of William Carlos Williams; or, The Past Recaptured, collected by John C. Thirwall, published in
New Directions 16, New Directions, 1957.
- Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (includes "The Desert Music" and "Journey to Love"), New Directions, 1962.
- Selected Poems, Introduction by Charles Tomlinson, Penguin, 1976.
- Collected Poems: Volume 1, 1909-1939, edited by A. Walton Litz and Christopher MacGowan, Carcanet, 1988, Volume
2, 1939-1962, edited by MacGowan, 1989.
- Asphodel, That Greeny Flower & Other Love Poems, New Directions, 1994.
- Early Poems, Dover Publications, 1997.
- William Carlos Williams, compiled by S. L. Berry, Creative Education (Mankato, MN), 2003.
- William Carlos Williams: Poetry for Young People, edited by Christopher MacGowan, Sterling Publishing Company (New
York, NY), 2003.
His Other Writings:
- The Great American Novel, Three Mountains Press, 1923.
- In the American Grain (essays), A. & C. Boni, 1925.
- A voyage to Pagany (novel), Macaulay, 1928.
- (Translator) Philippe Soupault, Last Nights of Paris, Macaulay, 1929.
- The Knife of the Times, and Other Stories (short stories), Dragon Press, 1932.
- A Novelette and Other Prose, TO Publishers, 1932.
- The First President (three-act libretto for an opera), published in American Caravan, 1936.
- White Mule (novel; part I of trilogy), New Directions, 1937.
- Life Along the Passaic River (short stories), New Directions, 1938.
- In the Money (novel; part II of White Mule trilogy), New Directions, 1940.
- A dream of Love (three-act play), New Directions, 1948.
- A Beginning on the Short Story: Notes, Alicat Bookshop Press, 1950.
- Make Light of It: Collected Stories, Random House, 1950.
- Autobiography, Random House, 1951, published as The Autobiography of William Carlos Williams, New Directions,
- The Build-Up (novel; part III of White Mule trilogy), Random House, 1952.
- (Translator with mother, Raquel Helene Williams) Pedro Espinosa, A Dog and the Fever (novella), Shoe String Press,
- Selected Essays, Random House, 1954.
- The Selected Letters of William Carlos Williams, edited by John C. Thirlwall, McDowell, Obolensky, 1957.
- I Wanted to Write a Poem: The Autobiography of the Works of a Poet, edited by Edith Heal, Beacon Press, 1958.
- Yes, Mr. Williams: A Personal Record of My Mother, McDowell, Obolensky, 1959.
- Many Loves and Other Plays: The Collected Plays of William Carlos Williams, New Directions, 1961.
- The Farmers' Daughters: Collected Stories, introduction by Van Wyck Brooks, New Directions, 1961.
- The William Carlos Williams Reader, edited and introduced by M. L. Rosenthal, New Directions, 1966.
- Imaginations (contains "Kora in Hell," "Spring and All," The Great American Novel, "The Descent of Winter,"
and A Novelette and Other Prose), edited by Webster Schott, New Directions, 1970.
- The Embodiment of Knowledge (philosophy), edited by Ron Loewinsohn, New Directions, 1974.
- Interviews With William Carlos Williams: "Speaking Straight Ahead," edited and introduced by Linda Welshimer Wagner,
New Directions, 1976.
- A Recognizable Image: William Carlos Williams on Art and Artists, edited by Bram Dijkstra, New Directions,
- William Carlos Williams: The Doctor Stories, compiled with an introduction by Robert Coles, New Directions,
- The Collected Stories of William Carlos Williams, New Directions, 1996.
- Pound/Williams: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams, edited by Hugh Witemeyer, New
Directions, 1996.
- The Letters of Denise Levertov and William Carlos Williams, edited by Christopher MacGowan, New Directions, 1998.
- William Carlos Williams and Charles Tomlinson: A Transatlantic Conneciton, edited by Barry Magid and Hugh
Witemeyer, P. Lang (New York City), 1998.
- The Humane Particulars: The Collected Letters of William Carlos Williams and Kenneth Burke, University of
South Carolina Press (Columbia, SC), 2003.